NLS training Mvumi deserves to be continued

At the beginning of January the board of SINTAN IP and the team of pediatricians evaluated the NLS train-the- trainers course which took place in Mvumi in November 2016.

SINTAN received positive reactions to the training from the participants and both the hospital staff and the NLS team were enthusiastic on the course. The main reason for this was the thorough preparation in Tanzania as well as in The Netherlands.

Prior to the decision to start with the NLS train-the-trainers course, the recipient hospital in Mvumi made a thorough inventory of the problems in the field of child- and maternal health. Lack of knowledge in the hospital staff about resuscitation of newborn babies appeared to be one of the main needs. Based on this inventory SINTAN IP decided to assist with the facilitation of the training.

Preparations for the training started in February 2016. In a MoU clear arrangements were made about the responsibilities of each party. Mvumi Hospital made all the necessary preparations for the classrooms and recruited the participants. The hospital arranged also for transport and housing of the NLS team.

Apart from having the overall organization SINTAN IP financed the training materials as well as the transportation costs and the accommodation of the NLS team.

The pediatricians, all of them qualified NLS trainers, adapted the course to the local situation and gave their leisure time with huge enthusiasm to make the training a success.

A group of 27 hospital personnel, consisting of midwives, pediatric- and maternity nurses, assistant- and medical doctors took part in the 4-day training. During the morning, theory lessons were given and in the afternoon the participants were divided into groups to train their practical skills.

At the end of the  three persons were selected from among the participants to become peer trainer and to continue to give the training on a weekly base.

In consultation with the staff of Mvumi Hospital SINTAN IP will discuss the possibilities of providing for a follow up.